Thursday, June 11, 2009

Patio and Garden Expansion

It has begun!
Of course it may take some time. These trucks don't hold as much dirt as I remember.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Glowing Grubs!

When you work 3rd shift, sometimes you have to do your gardening in the dark...Like Mary was doing. She was digging up a spot at the end of the new stone walk I put in for some very nice looking hosta when she saw something glowing in the dirt. Why she didn't discount it for some glow crap I had cast off beats me. I am so glad she scooped it up and put it in a glass for future inspection. It was 2 days later when she remembered to tell me and It wasn't looking too good for the little guy. I poked at him but he was all curled up and didn't move. I thought it was all over for him and I would not see the glow she was talking about. I figured it was worth a try and stepped into the back hall and closed the door. WOW still glowing, he must be alive! I quickly covered him in dirt and put him up out of the sun and harms way. I am still looking for my bug zoo so we can see what he will emerge into. The glow is of course hard to capture with a camera because as I discovered tonight he will not play possum and there for ruins the long exposure. This photo captures the glow nicely. It seems to come from between the segments of his body and at dots along the sides. I shined him with a white light, UV light and a red light but did not notice any change in his luminessence. I looked a bit on line but was un able to find this type of glow worm. Seems to be many types but they all seem to have there glow spot at there tail and not all over like this fellow. I gotta find my bug zoo......

Monday, June 1, 2009


I love my computer.
I am so happy It has
successfully completed
it's error of fatality!
And that it needs me to
agree? WTF?